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What is litigation document coding?
Litigation document coding is the process of extracting bibliographic data from documents used in litigation and keying the data in a specific format. Our Remote Document Coders use a software program to view the images of the litigation documents on one side of their computer screen and enter the bibliographic data from the document into blank fields on the other side of their computer screen. Bibliographic data typically includes names from the document, dates on the document, etc.
What skills are needed to become a successful Independent Contractor with Cypher?
Cypher requires legal experience because familiarity with legal documents will help you understand our specific process. In addition to legal experience, attention to detail and the ability to receive, review and follow electronic instructions is crucial to your success at Cypher. Previous data entry experience is helpful, but not necessary in order to succeed.
Is there any cost involved in working with Cypher?
Cypher requires no payment from Independent Contractors in order to work with us. We simply ask for your time and effort.
What type of computer do I need to have?
An IBM-compatible computer with a Pentium or faster processor is required for the Remote Document Coding position.
What type of computer monitor do I need?
A monitor screen size of 19" or 21" is preferred. Due to the amount of data being displayed for each document on the screen, it is necessary to have, at minimum, a 17" monitor.
What kind of internet connection do I need?
Independent Contractors must have a high-speed internet connection in order for the images of the documents to download to their computers. High-speed connections include DSL, Cable Modem or Satellite connections. Dial-up connections are unacceptable.
Do I need an email account?
Since this position is a work from home opportunity, it's important for you to receive electronic communication from us. Your email is the primary method of communication we use to notify you of new projects, changes to projects, etc. Please be sure to add the domains "@cyphercoding.com" and "@cypherservicesinc.com" to your email safe list to guarantee receipt of messages that we send.
Do I need to download any software to my computer and will it cost me?
In order to code the legal documents that reside on our servers, Independent Contractors use a software program that is easily downloaded to their computers after submitting to our confidentiality agreement. The software program is free of charge, and downloads similarly to any other software program you may already have on your computer. You will be able to download the software program via a link emailed to you after submitting to our confidentiality agreement.
Do I need a printer?
A printer is necessary in order to have hard copies of our basic documents. Our Standard Coding Manual is a 50-page document that you will need to refer to often, so you must print it out at least once. Each project that you work on has specific client instructions and we require that you print these specifications out as well. These are typically 1 page documents.
How am I compensated?
Cypher compensates based on production. You receive compensation for each document that you code. The specific compensation varies per project, but we currently compensate anywhere from $0.11-$0.22/document depending on the amount of fields of data that are captured. A project with 8 coding fields will compensate more per document than a project with 4 coding fields of data. The compensation for a project is outlined in the project specifications that you view prior to working on the project. Our current Independent Contractors code about 50-60 documents per hour, therefore earning about $8.00-$10.00/hour. While you may code fewer documents per hour when you start coding with us, after a period of time your speed will increase and you'll be able to reach this goal. You are compensated on the 15th of the month for work that you complete the previous month. For example, you may receive a check on April 15th for work that you completed March 1 - March 31. Payment is made through a check mailed to your home address.
Can I work anytime of the day or night?
Projects are distributed during business hours (Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm CST), but generally projects are very large and last overnight and all through the weekend. We have had work available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the past several months, but we cannot always guarantee work will be available every time that you have set aside to code. Cypher experiences peaks and valleys in production that can result in periods of time with little or no work available. As an Independent Contractor, you can work anytime you'd like and alter your work schedule to accommodate your family needs, education, or other jobs. As long as you code 15-20 hours per week, the actual time you decide to code is up to you.
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